


An escalator is one of the most important machines when it comes to running businesses as it helps customers move effortlessly from one floor to another, in the shortest possible time. Escalators are crucial as it helps customers move from floor to floor and visit various shops or different departments. Escalators are a symbol of modern luxury and comfort and that is one of the major reasons why they are found in up-market malls and buildings. When people have to reach higher footfall places, an elevator may not be the best option, as they would have to wait their turn, besides having to wait for their turn. An escalator eliminates the need for a long wait time and can carry multiple passengers at the same time, without overcrowding.
Sanad Elevators offers cost-effective service solutions for all makes and models of escalator equipments. Call us for your escalator repair, preventive maintenance, modernization or new installation needs.

our escalators products

Moving walk escalators

Moving walk escalators are state-of-the-art machines that let you get from one place to another, without having to physically exert yourself. We at Sanad Elevators have engineered one of the best moving walk escalators that help passengers get from one place to another in the most hassle-free manner. Passengers can travel with luggage, shopping carts, and trolleys, comfortably and efficiently. Another additional benefit of a moving walk escalator is that it saves space and it does not take long to install. You also do not need to make major modifications to the layout of your business layout, which makes it one of the most efficient machines at your disposal. If you are a business owner, then your customers can cover a greater area within the premises of your business, without feeling fatigued as well.

Our Machine

At Sanad Elevators, we ensure that our state-of-the-art moving walks are equipped with cutting-edge technology possible, which ensures that not only are our moving walks reliable but sturdy as well. We ensure that our moving walk escalators are built to the highest standards possible and that they not only meet but exceed the quality expectations.


Shopping Malls Escalators

Shopping malls experience one of the highest numbers of customers on any given day and it becomes all the more important to ensure that you have perfectly functioning shopping malls escalators at all times. Given that customers visit your mall for a host of different products and services ranging from daily commodities to garments, jewelry, electronics, etc., the number of customers that visit your mall regularly is going to be extremely high.

An Escalator that is Reliable and Sturdy:

Having a reliable shopping mall escalator at this time is important, as not only will it leave your customers with a positive first impression, but it enhances and makes a positive first impact on them. Customers should have the ability to move freely within your mall, which will help them browse through the products and services that are on sale, which in turn, will help your business grow and expand.


Commercial complexes are one of the most important places to install an escalator, as it helps customers move from one level to another effortlessly. The same is all the more important for shopping malls and multi-level grocery stores, where department stores escalators can help customers browse through your store hassle-free. A department store escalator can prove to be extremely useful towards the growth of your business, as customers can explore every nook and corner of your store and browse through all the products and services that you have to offer. With the help of our elevators, customers will be able to get a panoramic view of your business and will get to know every level and every floor in detail

Our Team of Experts:

At Sanad elevators, we have a dedicated team of experts that plan and carry out the installation process in a time-bound and organized manner. Not only does this result in the entire installation process being carried out according to your convenience, but it also means that customers walking in and out of your store will not be inconvenienced in any manner. Our team of experts will closely coordinate with you, to carry out the installation process and will ensure that all the deadlines and timelines are strictly adhered to



Convention centers are often flooded with thousands of fans who are either trying to get into the stadium fast or exit it, depending on the time of the day. Depending on the size of the stadium and the nature of the event, a convention center escalator is often needed to move tens of thousands of passengers into and out of the stadium or to different levels during the event. This can be extremely stressful for the machine, especially if it is an old one. Usually, escalators come with service life, subject to it being serviced and attended to regularly. If not, the escalator may face frequent breakdowns, which in turn can prove to be a major hindrance to the large number of visitors attending the event. In such a scenario, it is highly recommended that you replace your old escalator with a modern one, as you will not have to worry about it for the next few years.

Quality that is Unmatched:

Not only are our Convention Center Escalators one of the best that you can buy, but the quality of our workmanship when it comes to installation and servicing is unmatched. We carry out the installation process in the most time-efficient manner, which is made possible through the use of state-of-the-art gadgets that our technicians have at their disposal during the installation process. Not only does it ensure a speedy installation process, but it ensures that it is accurate to the millimeter. Our team of experts works around the clock to ensure that your escalators and elevators continue to work efficiently and reliably always. If you feel that your stadium deserves an upgrade that involves a state-of-the-art modern Convention Center Escalator, then feel free to get in touch with our team of experts, and we will gladly assist you with the information.

Why Sanad Escalators

Sanad Escalators Services


An escalator is a complex machine and is one that requires to seek professional help and assistance. It requires meticulous planning as it involves measuring the length of the escalator, which is best left to professionally trained technicians. Our technicians ensure that the installation is completed promptly and use professional tools and state-of-the-art gadgets to ensure that the installation is carried out perfectly. Not only does this ensure that the escalator installation in The Kingdom is done keeping reliability and durability in mind, but it also ensures that the safety of the passengers is paid close attention to.

Around the Clock Service:

At Sanad Elevators, we ensure that if you ever face a technical snag or a breakdown, then you need not wait for hours in the end. Our technicians are available 24-hours a day, 365-days a year to attend to any technical snags, breakdowns, or other glitches if you ever encounter them. We put our customers before all else and over the years, our escalators in Saudi Arabia are highly sought-after. Our commitment to delivering high-quality machines and services is unparalleled, and we constantly strive to achieve perfection which is what separates us from the rest of the competition. Over the years, we have gained the reputation of being one of the most reliable and trustworthy elevators and escalator companies in the country, and customers across the country have experienced what superior service and installation truly are.

Cost-effective Services:

At Sanad elevators, we understand that escalator installation can be a costly affair, which is why we have priced our services extremely competitively, whilst also ensuring that the quality of the service that we deliver and the safety of the passengers are not compromised in any possible manner. We understand that long service times can directly affect your business, and keeping that in mind, we deliver the fastest installation and service in the least amount of time. Our team of technicians is always armed with the latest installation and diagnostic tools, which not only makes the entire installation process quicker but more accurate and leaves no scope for human errors.

Escalator Maintenance

If your building has just one escalator or multiple escalators connecting to other floors, then these systems play a crucial role in keeping your organization running smoothly. When any one of these escalators starts facing technical snags or fails to function at an optimal level, then it has a cascading effect on the other escalators. besides providing expert repair and maintenance for escalators, Sanad Elevators & Escalators has a dedicated team of trained technicians that are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Escalators Repairs

It is highly recommended to regularly service your escalator and replace parts that have worn out, as not only would it ensure that your escalator continues functioning reliably and efficiently. At Sanad elevators, we provide traditional and comprehensive servicing and carry out all the necessary checks for wear and tear, with a keen eye for safety and efficiency. As escalators tend to carry more load than a traditional elevator and are underuse throughout the day, it is also subject to some of the harshest working conditions. This makes it all the more important to ensure that you carry out periodic maintenance and replace parts on time, which will keep the repair costs at the minimum and reduces the likelihood of a breakdown.

Escalator Modernization

At Sanad elevators, our Escalator modernization updates ensure that you get the best of styling, performance, reliability, and safety. Passengers using our updated elevators will improve their experience, from everything they hear, feel and touch. Our well-planned approach ensures that we can carry out our escalators Services in the building, while your building remains open and normal activities can be conducted throughout the entire process, thus ensuring that you can go about with your normal business activities.

Escalators Catalogue